
How to make Brioche Bread French Toast Recipe


If you want to put some twist to your toasted bread, make it a french toast. French toast adds some flavor to your bread and is very appetizing to eat! Try it for your breakfast!



  • Strawberry Jam (or any flavor of jam)
  • Maple Syrup
  • Or any other sweetener of your choice


  1. On a flat tray, add eggs, milk, whipping cream, sugar, salt, cinnamon and vanilla essence and mix them all together
  2. Heat up the pan with butter
  3. Soak both sides of bread and put on the pan
  4. Pan fry bottom side about 1 minute to 2 minutes and flip (check if the surface turned golden brown before flipping)
  5. Pan fry the other side for about 1 minute to 2 minutes (or check if the surface turned brown)
  6. Transfer the bread on a plate and put your desired toppings such as honey
  7. Serve it!

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