Cooking Conversion Tables

Use the below conversion tables for your convenience.

Temeprature Conversion

Fahrenheit (F)Celsius (C) (Approximate)
150 F65 C
200 F90 C
250 F120 C
300 F150 C
325 F165 C
350 F180 C
375 F190 C
400 F200 C
425 F220 C
450 F230 C

Weight Equivalents

US StandardMetric (Approximate)
1/2 ounce15g
1 ounce30g
2 ounce60g
4 ounce115g
8 ouonce225g
12 ounce340g
16 ounce or 1 pound455g

Grab a food scaler such as the below item to measure your ingredients.