Author: annshomecuisine

How To

How to make Homemade Furikake Recipe

About:   Furikake (振り掛け / ふりかけ) is a dry Japanese seasoning meant to be sprinkled on top of cooked rice, vegetables, and fish. It typically consists of a mixture of dried fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, Other flavorful ingredients such as katsuobushi (sometimes indicated on the package as bonito), or okaka (bonito flakes moistened with […]

Main Dish

How to make Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

About:   Teriyaki is a very popular sauce in Japan. The sweetness of the sauce stimulates your appetite and want to eat more. Teriyaki Chicken is one of the popular dishes and it is also easy to make.  Ingredients 2 lb Chicken thighs (deboned) –  8 tbsp Soy Sauce –  8 tbsp Mirin – […]