Coffee Jelly

How to Make Coffee Jelly Milk Espresso Recipe

About This Dish

Coffee Jelly is a popular dessert in Japan. Typically it will only added with Milk. In this recipe, I added Espresso to make it more like a drink rather than dessert. Enjoy this drink like a Boba Tea!

Get Your Nespresso Citiz&Milk

Nespresso OriginalLine Variety Pack Capsules

50 Count Espresso Pods, Assorted Dark and Medium Roasts


300ml Dark Coffee (make a coffee or use instant coffee )

2 packs Unflavored Gelatin Mix (please follow the box instructions) ( )

1/2 cup Milk
( )

Ice (a few)

Espresso (using Nespresso machine with Espresso Pod) (


1. Make a dark coffee

2. Mix the dark coffee with Gelatin Mix in the pot and simmer

3. Transfer the coffee jelly mixture in the tray and let it cool down

4. Once Coffee Jelly is cooled down, slice them in dice

5. Put the Coffee Jelly in the glass and add some ice

6. Pour some milk

7. Set the glass on the Nespresso Machine

8. Press Espresso button

9. Once Espresso dispense is done, put a straw and serve it!

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